Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
Display of Applied Candidates list for the posts of Support Engineers (4 No’s) under NHM in Nizamabad District. | Applied candidates list to fill up the post of Support Engineers (4 No’s) on Contract basis under NHM in Nizamabad District for calling of objections on the Applied candidates list if any from the candidates from 29-01-2025 to 01-02-2025 from 10:30AM to 05:00PM on all working days at Room No.201, O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, IDOC, Nizamabad |
29/01/2025 | 01/02/2025 | View (719 KB) |
Display of Applied Candidates list for the (01)Post of Staff Nurse ( Preferable for Male Candidates only) under NHM in Nizamabad District. | Applied candidates list to fill up the (01) post of Staff Nurse (Preferable for Male Candidates only) on Contract basis under NHM in Nizamabad District for calling of objections on the Applied candidates list if any from the candidates from 29-01-2025 to 01-02-2025 from 10:30AM to 05:00PM on all working days at Room No.201, O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, IDOC, Nizamabad. |
29/01/2025 | 01/02/2025 | View (711 KB) |
Display of Applied Candidates list for the posts of Data Entry Operator, DEO cum Accountant & Pharmacist on contract basis under NHM in Nizamabad District. | Applied candidates list to fill up the post of Data Entry Operator, DEO cum Accountant & Pharmacist on Contract basis under NHM in Nizamabad District for calling of objections on the Applied candidates list if any from the candidates from 27-01-2025 to 29-01-2025 from 10:30AM to 05:00PM on all working days at Room No.201, O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, IDOC, Nizamabad |
25/01/2025 | 29/01/2025 | View (302 KB) |
Filling up of vacant posts of Medical Officers-(Five), Staff Nurse-(Four) and Supporting Staff-(Five) to work at Basthi Dawakhanas in Nizamabad Dist on Contract /Outsourcing basis under NHM for display of Notification along with Application form and Guidelines in Government Official Website i.e. | Notification copy for recruitment to the vacant posts of Five-Medical Officers, Four-Staff Nurses and Five-Supporting Staff on Contract / Outsourcing basis to work at Basthi Dawakhanas in Nizamabad Dist. under NHM along with Application form and Guidelines and receiving of applications from the eligible candidates from 18-01-2025 to 24-01-2025 at Room No. 201 of IDOC, O/o DM&HO, Nizamabad. |
17/01/2025 | 24/01/2025 | View (2 MB) |
Display of the Provisional Merit list & Rejection list of candidates for the post of District.Programme Co-ordinator under NHM in Nizamabad District. | Provisional Merit list & Rejection list of candidates to fill up the post of District Programme Coordinator under NHM in Nizamabad District for calling of objections on the Provisional Merit list & Rejection list of candidates if any from the candidates from 20-01-2025 to 22-01-2025 from 10:30AM to 05:00PM on all working days at Room No.201, O/o Dist.Medical & Health Office, IDOC, Nizamabad Provisional Merit list District Programme Coordinator under NHM |
20/01/2025 | 22/01/2025 | View (76 KB) |
DM&HO, Nzb- Recruitment to the post of Staff Nurses and ANMs under NHM in Nizamabad Dist – for calling of objections if any from the applied candidates from 09-01-2025 to 18-01-2025 from 10:30 AM to 05:00 PM on all working days at Room N0.201, O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, IDOC Nizamabad. | DM&HO, Nzb- Recruitment to the post of Staff Nurses and ANMs under NHM in Nizamabad Dist – for calling of objections if any from the applied candidates from 09-01-2025 to 18-01-2025 from 10:30 AM to 05:00 PM on all working days at Room N0.201, O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, IDOC Nizamabad. |
07/01/2025 | 18/01/2025 | View (954 KB) |
DM&HO, Nzb- Recruitment to the (01) post of staff Nurse (Preferable for Male Candidates only) in NCD Programme under NHM in Nizamabad Dist – Display the Application form along with Guidelines in the official website i.e. | Recruitment to the (01) post of Staff Nurse (Preferable for Male Candidates only) in NCD Programme under NHM in Nizamabad District. Applications will be received from 03.01.2025 to 10.01.2025 by 10:30 AM to 05:00 PM. Download the Application form submit the application form along with Guidelines in the official website to submit the application along with relevant documents at 0/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, Room No.201, IDOC, Bypass road, Nizamabad. |
02/01/2025 | 10/01/2025 | View (174 KB) |
Recruitment to the (04) posts of Support Engineers in each district for Facility Management System Units located in Erstwhile Nizamabad District. | Recruitment to the (04) posts of Support Engineers in each district for Facility Management System Units located in Erstwhile Nizamabad Dist. Applications will be received from 16.12.2024 to 23.12.2024 by 10:30 AM to 05:00 PM. Download the Application form submit the application form along with relevant documents at 0/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, Room No.201, IDOC, Nizamabad. |
16/12/2024 | 23/12/2024 | View (192 KB) |
Display of Provisional Merit Lists and Rejected Candidates lists for the (13) posts under RBSK & DEIC, Nizamabad on Contract/outsourcing under NHM in the official website | I am herewith sending the Provisional Merit lists and Rejected Candidate lists of certain posts under RBSK & DEIC, Nizamabad on Contract/Outsourcing basis under NHM in Nizamabad Dist. for calling of Objections if any from the applied candidates from 06-12-2024 to 10-12-2024 from 10:30AM to 05:00PM on all working days at Room No.202, O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, IDOC, Nizamabad. The District Medical & Health Officer Provisional Merit list for the Post of Dental Technician Provisional Merit list of MBBS (MALE) under RBSK Rejection list of Medical Officer MBBS (MALE) under RBSK |
06/12/2024 | 10/12/2024 | View (360 KB) |
Display of Final Merit list & Rejection list of MO-MBBS & BAMS Candidates in the official website for MLHP(13)Posts under NHM. | Iam sending herewith final merit list & final rejection list for the post of MLHP on Contract/outsourcing basis under NHM in Nizamabad District with a request to Display and the final merit list of MBBS & BAMS Candidates are informed to attend the certificate verification and counselling to be held on Date:10-12-2024 at 11:00AM along with all the Original Certificates at Room No.201, O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, IDOC, Nizamabad. FINAL MERIT LIST MLHP (MO-BAMS) FINAL MERIT LIST MLHP (MO-MBBS) |
07/12/2024 | 10/12/2024 | View (4 MB) |