
Adult Education

Adult Education Department was established on 02.10.1978 to eradicate illiteracy in the age group of 15 – 35 years. The main function of the Adult Education Department is to plan and implement the Programme of eradication of illiteracy among the adults of 15+ age group in the State and to plan and implement. The National Literacy Mission was established in 1988 with the aim of achieving literacy in a dynamic manner and implemented in the district. The Continuing Education Programme scheme to sustain and furtherance of skills and also to create a lifelong learning environment for the target group and others.

The Department has not bifurcated district reorganization. At the District level (erstwhile district i.e. Nizamabad + Kamareddy districts) the Adult Education Department has a Deputy Director in the district, supported by Project Officers, Assistant Project Officers, and Supervisors. Only Deputy Directors of Adult Education and Secretary of Zilla Lok Siksha Samithi of the district are being continued.

Implementation of Saakshar Bharat Programme:

The scheme of Saakshar Bharat Programme was implemented in the rural areas of 29 mandals that had adult female literacy rate of 50% and below as per 2001 census since 2010. The scheme was extended upto 31.03.2018. Under Saakshar Bharat Programme around 3.33 lakh learners appeared under biannual Basic Literacy Assessment Test conducted by National Institute of Open Schooling between August, 2010 to March, 2018, out of which around 1.97 lakh learners successfully passed the Assessment Test and certified as literate.

Still, around 1.50 lakh non-literates in the age-group of 15 and above are to be made literate. Action Plan has been prepared to implement the programme. Awaiting order from Government of India on launching of new programme.

Present Literacy Status (as per 2011 census):

Sl.No. Literacy Rate Nizamabad District Telangana State All India
1 Male 74.08 75.04 80.90
2 Female 54.95 57.99 64.60
3 Total 64.25 66.54 73.00
4 Rural Area 58.92 57.00 67.77
5 Urban Area 77.10 81.00 84.11

The schedule of the Saakshar Bharat Programme was up to 31.03.2017. It was extended up to 31.03.2018. The government of India proposed to replace the existing Saakshar Bharat Programme and proposed to launch “Padhna Likhna Abhiyan”. The new scheme guidelines are not issued so far.
The Department has prepared a detailed action plan to implement the literacy programme in a massive way. If the Government of India issues guidelines, necessary steps will be taken to launch the programme.

Contact of the Department:
Sl.No. Officer Name Designation Official Contact Number E-mail Id
1. A. Bapu Rao Deputy Director (FAC) 08462-295324 (O) 9849909218 (M) ddaenizamabad