
Recruitment to the posts of vacancies of Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator, ANM, DEO cum Accountant and Pharmacist under NHM in Nizamabad district.

Recruitment to the posts of vacancies of Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator, ANM, DEO cum Accountant and Pharmacist under NHM in Nizamabad district.
హక్కు వివరాలు Start Date End Date దస్తావేజులు
Recruitment to the posts of vacancies of Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator, ANM, DEO cum Accountant and Pharmacist under NHM in Nizamabad district.

Recruitment to the posts of vacancies of Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator, ANM, DEO cum Accountant and Pharmacist under NHM in Nizamabad district. Applications will be received from 02-03-2024 to 07-03-2024 time from 10:30AM to 05:00PM. Download the Application form and submit the application form along with relevant documents at O/o Dist. Medical & Health Office, Room No.201, IDOC Complex, Dubba, Nizamabad

Application Form_All Cadres_2024

Guidelines_All Cadres_2024

02/03/2024 07/03/2024 చూడు (1 MB)